Saturday, July 17, 2010

Interview with TaraElla

You have championed for so many things in the past 2 years. What's you're overall theme?
My overall goal is to let all people who wish to have a happy family-based life to be able to do so. Therefore, things as diverse as society helping couples' commitment, anti-racism and anti-gay and lesbian discrimination, interfaith and intercultural harmony, restoring the reputation of government welfare in people's minds all come into play. In addition, I don't believe it is a good thing for the corporate masses to control the entire media, therefore I believe in the importance of encouraging self-made stars to do their thing.

How did you come to believe in the things you believe in?
Just from my experience. I mean, I value the family, and there are too many things tearing families apart nowadays out there. This needs to be fixed. In my experience these are the things that need to be fixed out there.

Recently there has been controversy regarding your seeming embrace of social conservatism. Why do you think that is?
First I have to clarify something - I am not embracing what I used to hate. I am not somebody who would do that. But what is 'conservative' and what is not is changing now. I mean, the Swedish conservatives voted for equal marriage just recently, and American conservatives have put out a good conservative case for equal marriage - that's exactly my case of equal marriage. I am still a liberal, but liberal values and conservative ideas seem to have come together more and more and it is an encouraging trend. Plus conservative liberals are doing something else that's equally important - they are paying attention to the importance of family and defending it against fads like sexual prosmiscurity. There's a lot in there for me to embrace, as you can see.

You have a new single, Beauty. Can you please tell us more about that?
It's about how the little things in life can remind you of how beautiful life can be. Life has been a struggle for many people including myself.

So do your songs relate to your cultural message?
Yes and no. I mean, not every song is about my cultural values. But then, culture is a coming together of many aspects of life. I am not a political party and I don't put out slogans every day about what I believe in. Everything I do may not be about promoting what I believe in, but everything I do is about drawing a picture of life in the way I believe it should be.

Compared to many other people, we don't know much about your personal life. What's it like?
I think we should all have a degree of privacy, for example I don't like discussing my own family and dragging them into what I do. That said, everything I do reflects on my personal life too. It is from there that I draw my inspiration for my work. And through my work you will get to know an idea of how my personal life is.