Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Article on TaraElla

There is a new article on TaraElla on Hubpages.

TaraElla started writing and performing music at a young age. At the age of 16 in 2003, she began writing music aimed at the audience 'out there'. She first wrote and performed dance music, but decided her passion with pop ballads and country should guide her instead soon after. However, the initial reception was not very well. In an age where ballads had become much less radio friendly, it was difficult for her to gain an audience.

As she continued to write music but was met with little mainstream success, she also started developing another passion of hers - starting cultural movements. She began writing material about her vision for the future of popular culture, material which would eventually make its way into her books. Ironically, it was from here that she first got noticed. Over the past few years, TaraElla has gained more followers, some who describe her as a 'visionary'. From there, her music also grew in popularity. Today, TaraElla has more than 2500 fans on facebook, which is more than many prominent Australian musicians, some of whom TaraElla herself actually are a fan of (e.g. Kate Alexa, Kate DeAraugo).

Some people may think that TaraElla is simply a musician who failed to be noticed on her music alone, and therefore raised awareness of her existence by lending her voice to cultural movements instead, and gaining an audience to her music from there. But that's the wrong way to look at the TaraElla story.

Read the whole article here.